Laser Treatments

BBL Photofacial

BroadBand Light / IPL

HALO® Laser Treatment

Skin Resurfacing Solution

Laser Hair Removal

Permanently Hair Reduction

Clear Silk

Gentle Resurfacing Laser Treatment

Laser Treatments

Skin Rejuvenation Therapies

Moxi® Prejuvenation Treatments

Brighten & Refresh Skin

Schedule an Appointment

The Klinic by KSW Medical Aesthetics is a premier med spa in the Greater Boston Area for aesthetic and beauty treatments. Refine your look and find your best you with a consultation with our highly-trained aesthetic experts today.


Your Health

Comes First

We help you be the best version of yourself by delivering bespoke treatment plans featuring the world’s best beauty products backed by scientific data to ensure natural-looking, gorgeous results.

​This patient-centered philosophy is the foundation of everything we do. In our experience, it results in happier patients who trust us with their faces and bodies. Our goal is to take care of you, and help you find the best version of you along the way.

Contact Us

Looking for a specific treatment or curious to learn more about what our medical spa has to offer? Reach out today and find out more about our services and special offers.
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